夹芯板的吊装方法很多,如汽车吊吊升、塔吊吊升、卷扬机吊升和人工提升等方法。对 厂房檐高不大的单层轻钢厂房可采用人工提升的简便方法。 对办公楼檐高较大的建筑可采用卷扬机提升的方法, 由于不用大型机械, 设备可灵活移 动到需要安装的地点,故而方便而又价低。
There are many hoisting methods for sandwich panel, such as truck crane, tower crane, winch and manual lifting. The simple method of manual lifting can be used for single-layer light steel workshop with small eaves height. For the buildings with high eaves height of office buildings, the hoisting method can be adopted. Due to the use of large machinery, the equipment can be flexibly moved to the place where it needs to be installed, so it is convenient and cheap.
Jinan color steel plate house
1)实测安装板材的实际长度, 按实测长度核对对应板号的板材长度, 需要时对该板材进 行剪裁。
1) Measure the actual length of the installation plate, check the plate length of the corresponding plate number according to the measured length, and cut the plate if necessary.
2)将提升到作业面的板材按排板起始线放置,并使板材的宽度覆盖标志线对准起始线。 并在板长方向两端排出设计的构造长度。
2) The width of the starting line of the lifting line is aligned with the width of the starting line covering the plate. The designed structural length is discharged at both ends of the plate length direction.
3) After fastening both ends with fasteners, install another piece of plate, the installation sequence is from left (right) to right (left), and then from bottom to top.

4) Install to the setting out mark point, recheck the installation deviation of color steel plate, and fasten all plates after meeting the design requirements. If it can not meet the requirements, it should be adjusted in the next sign section. When it can be adjusted in this sign section, the sign section can be adjusted before fastening, and then the installation can be carried out in turn.
5) When installing the sandwich panel, the gap between the plates should be compacted. When the position is accurate and there is still a gap, sealant should be used to fill it.
6) When tightening the self tapping screw, the degree of tightening should be controlled, and excessive tightening is not allowed.
7)板的纵向搭接, 应按设计铺设密封条和设密封胶,并在搭接处用自攻螺丝或带密封垫 的拉铆钉连接,紧固件应拉在密封条处。
7) For longitudinal lapping of plates, the sealing strip and sealant shall be laid according to the design, and the lap joint shall be connected with self tapping screw or rivet with sealing gasket, and the fasteners shall be pulled at the sealing strip.