活动房施工的时候还要根据工程需要,为避免冷桥产生,屋面施工可以考虑在檩条上垫一些硬质保温材料。安装时保持玻璃棉卷毡的张紧、对齐、卷与卷之间的接缝紧密,纵向需要搭接时,搭接处应安排在檩条处。做到以上济南彩钢板房的防潮问题就会迎刃而解,活动房将会更加的舒 适,被更广大的群众所接受。
During the construction of the movable house, some hard thermal insulation materials can be padded on the purlin in order to avoid cold bridge. During installation, keep the tension and alignment of glass wool roll felt, and the joints between rolls are tight. When it is necessary to overlap longitudinally, the overlap shall be arranged at the purlin. To achieve the above, the moisture-proof problem of Jinan color steel plate house will be solved, and the movable house will be more comfortable and accepted by the wider masses.
1. Extrusion welding
This method should be made at the beginning of the part. Because the welding method is important for the description of the part, and different welding methods are different.

2. Hot plate welding
Hot plate welding (for flat parts) is a thermoplastic welding process that uses electric heating metal mold to soften the surface of connected plastic parts. It is applicable to almost all large or small thermoplastic parts. It is suitable for welding soft semi crystalline thermoplastic, such as PE plate or PP plate.
3. Hot gas welding
Hot gas welding is a welding method widely used to produce large parts of color steel clad plate. It is important to produce welding rods with the same polymer brand as the welded parts. Extrusion welding is a welding method developed by hot gas welding.