彩钢板房由彩色涂层通过钢板可以作为一个表面工程材料,自熄性聚苯乙烯,聚氨酯,玻璃棉和岩棉公司作为芯材,热固化粘合剂 用于企业连续成型机加热并压制复合纳米材料,超轻建筑板。下面来简单阐述
The color steel plank house can be used as a surface engineering material by color coating through steel plate, self-extinguishing polystyrene, polyurethane, glass wool and rock wool companies as the core materials, and the heat-curing adhesive is used for the continuous molding machine of enterprises to heat and press the Chinese composite nano-materials, ultra-light building boards. Let's briefly describe the functions of Jinan color steel plank house!
1、如果您是因为空间有限,活动室可以选择保温板屋顶、塑料窗和保温墙作为周边保养产品。虽然我们不是根据阳光房,但价.质 量低,经济实用。缺点是采光不好,通风一般。但是我们可以天个天窗系统会有较大改.好的。
1. If you are limited in space, you can choose insulation board roof, plastic window and insulation wall as peripheral maintenance products for the activity room. Although we are not based on the sunshine house, the price and quality are low, economical and practical. The disadvantages are poor lighting and general ventilation. But we can make major changes to the sunroof system. OK.
2、如果你建造彩板活动房主要目的是为了提高冬季可以养花种草,那就一定要比一个较好的通风,适当的日照,可选塑钢窗作周边 的维护,玻璃进行屋顶有天窗的活动影响房价.电网相对较低,但夏季房间的温度会很高,需要配置遮阳线。
2. If the main purpose of building the color board activity room is to improve the ability to grow flowers and grass in winter, it must be better than a good ventilation, proper sunshine, plastic steel windows can be selected for peripheral maintenance, and glass can be used for activities with skylights on the roof, which will affect the house price. The power grid is relatively low, but the temperature of the room in summer will be very high, so it is necessary to configure a sunshade line.

3、如果您住房建筑面积影响较大,特别是别墅建筑中,您的彩板活动室主要用于冬季休闲、健身、花卉等,宜选择屋顶可移动 的整体活动彩板活动室。此类活动房不会有使用保温板类彩板活动房采光差、固定进行采光顶类活动房夏季通过室内环境温度高的问题 。
3. If the building area of your house has a large impact, especially in other villa buildings, your color board activity room is mainly used for winter leisure, fitness, flowers, etc., you should choose the overall movable color board activity room with movable roof. This kind of activity room will not have the problems of poor lighting in the activity room with thermal insulation board and color board, and high indoor ambient temperature in summer in the activity room with fixed lighting roof.
4、如果是我们需要传统文化建筑设计功能(如:特色就是客厅、书房、活动室等)的彩板活动房,宜选择钢化中空结构玻璃进行屋顶 ,并配有一个适量使用专用中空玻璃天窗,以断桥铝中空玻璃窗或铝木复合中空玻璃窗作周边环境维护的产品。在使用时我们还需进行 配备一个专用遮阳帘、遮阳棚、隐.异形纱窗等产品。
4. If we need the design function of traditional cultural architecture (such as living room, study, activity room, etc.), we should choose tempered hollow structural glass for the roof, and equipped with a special hollow glass skylight with appropriate use, and use bridge-cut aluminum hollow glass window or aluminum-wood composite hollow glass window as the surrounding environment maintenance products. When using, we also need to equip a special sunshade, sunshade, concealed and special-shaped screen window and other products.
The color steel plate house has a tight sealing structure, insulation, waterproof, moisture-proof, anti-corrosion, fire-resistant, beautiful, solid, stable, and can be freely developed to add, reduce, and diversify colors to meet the needs of enterprises through different customers. Come to our website if you need http://www.lxcaigang.com Ask!