


热门关键词:禹城彩钢厂,禹城彩钢复合板,禹城钢结构板房 彩钢板房


来源:http://www.lxcaigang.com 日期:2024-09-02 发布人:

  一、引言根据常用材料的不同,结构楼板可分为木楼板、钢筋混凝土楼板和压型钢板组合楼板等几种类型。木楼板构造简单,自重轻,保温性能好,但耐火和耐久性差。钢筋混凝土楼板强度高,刚度好,耐久性及防火性好,而且便于工业化施工,是目前采用为广泛的一种楼板。压型钢板组合楼板是利用压型钢板作为楼板的受弯构件和底模,上面现浇混凝土而成。 压型钢板的强度和刚度较高,而且有利于加快施工进度,结合装配式政策要求,是目前大力推广应用的一种新型楼板。当压型钢板仅作模板用时,可不做防火保护层,比当作组合楼板使用经济。但其钢板厚度不得小于0.5mm,考虑防腐情况,应采用镀锌钢板。当压型钢板除用作混凝土楼板的性模板外,还充当板底受拉钢筋参与结构受力时,组合楼板应进行耐火验算与防火设计。当组合楼板不满足耐火要求时,应对组合楼板进行防火保护。

  1、 Introduction: According to different commonly used materials, structural floor slabs can be divided into several types, such as wooden floor slabs, reinforced concrete floor slabs, and composite floor slabs made of pressed steel plates. Wooden floor slabs have a simple structure, light weight, and good insulation performance, but poor fire resistance and durability. Reinforced concrete floor slabs have high strength, good rigidity, good durability and fire resistance, and are convenient for industrial construction. They are currently the most widely used type of floor slab. The composite floor slab with profiled steel sheet is made by using profiled steel sheet as the bending member and bottom formwork of the floor slab, and pouring concrete on top. The strength and stiffness of profiled steel plates are high, and they are conducive to accelerating construction progress. Combined with the requirements of prefabricated policies, they are a new type of floor slab that is currently widely promoted and applied. When the profiled steel sheet is only used as a template, it is not necessary to use a fire protection layer, which is more economical than using it as a composite floor. But the thickness of its steel plate should not be less than 0.5mm, and considering the anti-corrosion situation, galvanized steel plate should be used. When the profiled steel plate is used not only as a permanent formwork for concrete floor slabs, but also as a tensile steel bar at the bottom of the slab to participate in structural stress, the composite floor slab should undergo fire resistance calculation and fire protection design. When the composite floor does not meet the fire resistance requirements, fire protection should be provided for the composite floor.


  二、压型钢板楼板构造? 用压型钢板做模板的混凝土楼板,仅考虑单向受力,其肋板方向即为板跨方向。可按常规的钢筋混凝土密肋板进行设计。

  2、 Construction of profiled steel plate floor slabs? The concrete floor slab made of profiled steel plate formwork only considers unidirectional force, and the direction of the rib plate is the direction of the slab span. It can be designed according to conventional reinforced concrete ribbed slabs.

  三、钢筋桁架楼承板构造?(1)钢筋桁架板底模,施工完成后需保留的,底模钢板厚度不应小于0. 5mm,双面镀锌量为120~180gm/㎡;底模施工完成后需拆除的,可采用非镀锌板材,其净厚度不宜小于0.4mm,本图所示钢筋桁架楼承板为不拆除底模的产品。?2)钢筋桁架杆件钢筋直径按计算确定,但弦杆钢筋直径不应小于6mm,腹杆钢筋直径不应小于4mm。

  3、 Steel truss floor slab construction? (1) The bottom formwork of the steel truss plate, which needs to be permanently retained after construction, should have a steel plate thickness of no less than 0 5mm, double-sided galvanizing amount of 120-180gm/㎡; If the bottom formwork construction needs to be removed, non galvanized sheet metal can be used, and its net thickness should not be less than 0.4mm. The steel truss floor support plate shown in this figure is a product without removing the bottom formwork.? 2) The diameter of steel bars in steel truss members shall be determined by calculation, but the diameter of steel bars in chord members shall not be less than 6mm, and the diameter of steel bars in web members shall not be less than 4mm.

  (3)支座水平钢筋和竖向钢筋直径,当钢筋桁架高度不大于100mm 时,直径不应小于10mm 和12mm;当钢筋桁架高度大于100mm 时,直径不应小于12mm 和14mm;当考虑竖向支座钢筋承受施工阶段的支座反力时,应按计算确定其直径。(4)下图中,h—钢筋桁架高度;c 一钢筋保护层厚度;h—楼板厚度;d—下弦钢筋直径;la—受拉钢筋锚固长度。

  (3) When the height of the steel truss is not greater than 100mm, the diameter of the horizontal and vertical steel bars of the support should not be less than 10mm and 12mm, respectively; When the height of the steel truss is greater than 100mm, the diameter should not be less than 12mm and 14mm; When considering the vertical support reinforcement to withstand the support reaction force during the construction phase, its diameter should be determined by calculation. (4) In the following figure, h represents the height of the steel truss; C - Thickness of steel reinforcement protective layer; H - thickness of floor slab; D - diameter of the lower chord steel bar; La - anchorage length of tensile steel reinforcement.


  (5) The structure of bolted shear connectors is shown in the following figure: In order to effectively connect concrete and steel beams as a whole, bolts are set on the steel beams and a dedicated bolt machine is used for construction


  4、 The form of roof construction is related to the building's functional use, roof materials, structural types, and architectural requirements. Due to these different factors, various forms of roofs have been formed, such as flat roofs, sloping roofs, curved roofs, folded roofs, etc. Flat roof usually refers to roofs with a slope of less than 5%, commonly with a slope of 2% to 3%. Its main advantages are material conservation, simple construction, expansion of building space, and the ability to use the roof as a fixed activity area. Sloping roofs are generally composed of sloping roofs with a slope greater than 10%. Sloping roofs are also commonly used in urban buildings to meet landscape or architectural style requirements.? A curved roof is a roof with various thin shell structures, suspension structures, and grid structures as load-bearing structures. In order to reduce the cross-sectional size of load-bearing structures and save steel, except for a few cases with special requirements, lightweight roofs should be used first. The materials for lightweight roofs should be lightweight and high-strength, with good fire resistance, fire resistance, insulation and thermal insulation properties, simple construction, convenient construction, and industrial production capabilities, such as profiled steel sheets, aerated concrete roof panels, sandwich panels, and various lightweight foam cement composite panels. Galvanized steel sheet, cold-rolled steel sheet, colored steel sheet, etc. are used as raw materials, and various waveforms are formed by cold bending. It has the characteristics of lightweight, high strength, beautiful and durable, easy construction, earthquake resistance and fire prevention.


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