


热门关键词:禹城彩钢厂,禹城彩钢复合板,禹城钢结构板房 彩钢板房


来源:http://www.lxcaigang.com 日期:2024-07-19 发布人:


  Color steel composite panel


  Color steel composite panel is the most common enclosure structure in clean rooms. It is made of color coated panels and stainless steel plates as surface materials, and rock wool, aluminum honeycomb, polyurethane, paper honeycomb, glass foam board and other core materials. The composite panel has dust-proof, antibacterial, corrosion-resistant, rust proof, anti-static and other effects, and is widely used in clean room environments such as medical, electronic, food, biology, cosmetics, aerospace, and precision instruments. According to the production process, it is divided into handmade boards and machine-made boards.20230324102725466.jpg


  1. Product specifications:


  Width: Standard board: 980mm, 1180mm, customizable non-standard board;

  厚度:50、75、100、120,150mm ;

  Thickness: 50, 75, 100, 120, 150mm;


  2. Material selection:

  a. 上/下表面采用厚度0.3~1.0mm宝钢板或武钢板;

  a. The upper/lower surface is made of 0.3-1.0mm thick stainless steel plate or stainless steel plate;

  b. 根据客户需求选用不同种类的芯材,用热固化胶在连续成型机内热加压复合而成超轻建筑板材;

  b. Select different types of core materials according to customer needs, and use thermosetting adhesive to heat press and composite them in a continuous molding machine to form ultra light building panels;

  c. 侧边钢带采用厚度0.5mm镀锌板。

  c. The side steel strip is made of 0.5mm thick galvanized sheet.

  3. 主要特点:

  3. Main features:

  a、 轻型、新颖、造型美观,表面无需要装饰。

  a、  Lightweight, innovative, aesthetically pleasing, with no need for decoration on the surface.

  b、 具有强度、刚度、稳定性、抗冲击、抗震性能良好的特性,并具有良好的抗腐性、耐大性,可用于围护、重量结构,一般房屋不用梁柱。

  b、  It has the characteristics of good strength, stiffness, stability, impact resistance, and seismic performance, as well as good corrosion resistance and durability. It can be used for enclosure and weight structures, and generally does not require beams and columns for buildings.

  c、 保温、隔热、隔音性好。

  c、  Good insulation, heat insulation, and sound insulation.

  d、 预制装配化程度高,施工周期可较传统缩短40%以上。

  d、  The degree of prefabrication and assembly is high, and the construction period can be shortened by more than 40% compared to traditional methods.


  Handmade boards can be produced and assembled according to the engineering requirements of the demand, which not only greatly reduces the cost of building foundation and structural engineering, but also allows for multiple disassembly and assembly, making construction and installation convenient and fast, and achieving significant comprehensive benefits. If there are special requirements for fire resistance, fireproof boards can also be used.

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