


热门关键词:禹城彩钢厂,禹城彩钢复合板,禹城钢结构板房 彩钢板房


来源:http://www.lxcaigang.com 日期:2024-07-25 发布人:


  Color steel sandwich panel is a kind of building panel, which is composed of two layers of color coated steel plates as the panel, and thermal insulation materials such as polystyrene, polyurethane, phenolic foam, rock wool, etc. as the core material. On a special automatic production line, the core material and the panel are combined into a whole through a continuous molding process, commonly known as "sandwich panel". Although this type of composite board has been introduced to China for less than 20 years, it has been widely recognized and used in building cleanrooms due to its advantages such as load-bearing capacity, thermal insulation, decoration, waterproofing, and simple construction. It challenges traditional building materials such as bricks and stones and has become a new force in the building materials industry.20230920074539940.png


  Comparison of Core Material Types and Properties


  The core materials of color steel sandwich panels can be divided into two categories according to the chemical composition of their products, namely, organic chemical foam materials, such as polystyrene foam EPS, polyurethane foam PU, extruded polystyrene foam XPS, phenolic foam PF, etc; The other type is inorganic fiber materials, such as rock wool board, foam cement board, etc.


  1. Polyurethane foam color steel sandwich panel PU


  The polyurethane foam color steel sandwich panel is made of flame retardant rigid polyurethane foam plastic as the core material and color coated steel plate as the surface material. At present, metal faced rigid polyurethane sandwich panels are widely used in industrial plants, warehouses, sports venues, residential buildings, villas, prefabricated houses, modular cold storage and other buildings in China. However, the disadvantage is that they are carried out under high temperature and strong alkali reaction conditions, require high equipment requirements, require large initial investment, and are difficult to industrialize.


  2. Polystyrene foam color steel sandwich panel EPS


  Polystyrene is the white foam we often see. This kind of color steel plate is cheap, water resistant, and does not deform. Most of the activity rooms on the site are built with polystyrene sandwich panels, which are widely used. But the polystyrene foam sandwich panels are not fireproof, and the insulation effect is the worst.


  3. Phenolic foam color steel sandwich panel PF


  Phenolic foam color steel sandwich panel is a composite panel with color steel plate as surface material and phenolic foam as core material. Phenolic foam is brittle, fragile and corrosive. The residual acid in foam can corrode metal materials.


  4. Rock wool color steel sandwich panel


  Rock wool color steel sandwich panel has good fire resistance, but rock wool color steel plate is not waterproof and produces toxic substances when exposed to fire, causing significant pollution.


  5. Paper honeycomb color steel sandwich panel


  Paper honeycomb sandwich panel can completely recycle and reuse waste, and is a replacement product for materials such as polystyrene board, polyurethane, rock wool, etc. It is widely used in clean engineering fields such as electronics, hospital operating rooms, laboratories, etc. However, its waterproof effect is poor and its price is relatively high.


  6. Aluminum peak nest sandwich panel


  Aluminum honeycomb color steel sandwich panel is made of aluminum honeycomb core board, composite with special high-strength glue and color steel plate, supported by special aluminum alloy keel, and made by heating, pressing, and curing. Compared with other sandwich panels, it is lightweight, has good flatness, and belongs to green and environmentally friendly building materials, but the cost is the highest.


  How many types of color steel plates are there?


  Color steel plate is a composite board with good thermal insulation properties, widely used in the construction industry. How many types of color steel plates are there? Let's take a look together! There are several types of color steel plates:


  1. Polyurethane color steel plate


  The polyurethane color steel plate is made of foam or plastic as the core material, and the surface is covered with coated steel plate after hot pressing, which not only has good flame retardancy, but also has thermal insulation. Commonly used in buildings such as factories, warehouses, or villas. However, under high temperature and strong alkaline conditions, the equipment requirements are high and the initial investment cost is high.


  2. Polystyrene color steel plate


  This color steel plate uses white foam as the core, which is water resistant and not deformed, and is cheap. It is mainly used in the activity room of the construction site, but this color steel plate has poor fire prevention and thermal insulation performance. Therefore, special attention should be paid to fire prevention during daily use.


  3. Phenolic colored steel plate


  Phenolic color steel plate panel is made of color steel plate, and the core material is made of phenolic foam. Because foam is easy to crack and break, and the residual acid in foam will also corrode the metal materials.


  4. Rock wool color steel plate


  Rock wool color steel plate has good fire resistance and is prone to water seepage. However, if accidentally ignited, it can also produce a large amount of toxic substances, causing significant pollution to the environment.


  5. Paper honeycomb color steel plate

  纸蜂窝彩钢板,是利用废弃物制成的,可替代聚苯板、聚氨脂等材料。主要用于电子、实验室等领域,而且防水效果欠佳 ,又贵。

  Paper honeycomb color steel plate is made from waste and can replace materials such as polystyrene board and polyurethane. Mainly used in fields such as electronics and laboratories, but with poor waterproof performance and high prices.


  6. Aluminum peak nest color steel plate


  Aluminum honeycomb color steel plate, the core material is made of aluminum honeycomb, and the surface is coated with special glue and bonded with the color steel plate. Combined with special aluminum alloy keel support, it is not only lightweight and high-strength, but also environmentally friendly and has good flatness. However, the production cost is relatively high, and most households use it less frequently.

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