


热门关键词:禹城彩钢厂,禹城彩钢复合板,禹城钢结构板房 彩钢板房


来源:http://www.lxcaigang.com 日期:2024-08-28 发布人:


  Thermal insulation is an essential part of modern steel structure factory construction, which effectively prevents the impact of natural factors such as low temperature, high temperature, sun and rain on the internal temperature and industrial production of the factory, and improves the true value of the factory. To achieve this goal, we can adopt the following methods.


  1. 外墙隔热:外墙外侧可进行隔热处理,覆盖保温材料,如玻璃纤维、聚苯板、硅酸铝等高密度的保温材料,并设置隔水层,以保证外墙的防水性。

  1. External wall insulation: The outer side of the external wall can be treated with insulation, covered with high-density insulation materials such as glass fiber, polystyrene board, aluminum silicate, etc., and equipped with a waterproof layer to ensure the waterproofing of the external wall.

  2. 安装封闭式夹层保温板:在钢结构厂房内壁上安装封闭式夹层保温板,这种保温材料可以有效隔绝外界温度对室内温度的影响,不断地释放能量来维持一个较为稳定的温度。

  2. Install enclosed sandwich insulation board: Install enclosed sandwich insulation board on the inner wall of the steel structure factory building. This insulation material can effectively isolate the influence of external temperature on indoor temperature, continuously releasing energy to maintain a relatively stable temperature.

  3. 挂网内保温:这是钢结构厂房建设的一种常见的保温方式,在厂房内壁和外墙之间嵌入多层玻璃纤维软硬包或矿渣棉胶板,中间空隙采用蒸汽或其他保温材料塞入。

  3. Hanging net for internal insulation: This is the most common insulation method for steel structure factory construction. Multiple layers of glass fiber soft and hard packages or slag wool adhesive boards are embedded between the inner and outer walls of the factory, and steam or other insulation materials are inserted into the middle gap.

  4. 玻璃纤维棉保温:在钢结构厂房内壁和外墙之间填充玻璃纤维棉,这种保温材料施工简单,安装方便,且不会改变原建筑物的外观。同时,玻璃纤维棉保温板也可吸收一些声波,减少噪音污染。

  4. Glass fiber cotton insulation: Fill glass fiber cotton between the inner and outer walls of the steel structure factory building. This insulation material is easy to construct, easy to install, and will not change the appearance of the original building. Meanwhile, glass fiber cotton insulation board can also absorb some sound waves, reducing noise pollution.


  Thermal insulation not only maintains a stable and suitable temperature inside the factory building, but also reduces energy consumption and plays a positive role in environmental protection. Therefore, when constructing steel structure factories, attention should be paid to the design and construction of insulation and thermal insulation links to improve the value of factory use and reduce energy loss.


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