


热门关键词:禹城彩钢厂,禹城彩钢复合板,禹城钢结构板房 彩钢板房


来源:http://www.lxcaigang.com 日期:2024-08-27 发布人:


When it comes to color steel houses, I believe many people are familiar with them and often use them as temporary buildings for work purposes such as railways, transportation, and water conservancy. What is the service life of color steel houses? How to maintain color steel houses in daily life? Let's take a look together!


What is the service life of color steel houses in years


The service life of color steel houses is usually 20 years, but it also depends on the material, usage environment, and maintenance methods. Color steel houses made of color steel composite panels have a service life of about 10-15 years, while color galvanized steel sheets have a service life of about 10 years. In addition, if you pay attention to maintenance regularly, it can also extend its service life.


Color steel houses are mainly made of H-shaped light steel, welded with bolts, without the need to reserve expansion holes in advance. They can be directly drilled and fixed, with high construction efficiency, simple disassembly, environmental protection and energy saving. At the same time, they are corrosion-resistant and aging resistant. Becoming an economical housing.


How to maintain color steel houses in daily life:



1. After the installation of the color steel house, users are not allowed to change the internal structure without authorization, dismantle bolt components, or add partition walls without authorization.


2. Light steel components in color steel houses need to be painted and maintained once after 1-2 years of use, which not only makes the surface brighter but also extends their service life.


3. Color steel houses are connected by steel components, so users cannot tie them to steel components when wiring circuits. They need to be laid in conduit to prevent electric shock.


4. If the color steel house is connected by screws and the internal power facilities are configured, the circuit cannot be hung on the steel frame. It should be isolated by a cable tray to prevent electric shock.


5. After leaving the color steel room, all power sources should be turned off to prevent accidents. If using a gas stove, be careful not to leave the color steel room too far away from the fire source, and do not use high-power electrical appliances.

本文由禹城泰瑞彩钢复合板加工厂友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击:http://www.lxcaigang.com/xnews/真诚的态度.为您提供为的服务.更多有关的知识我们将会陆续向大家奉献.敬请期待.This article is a friendly contribution from Yucheng Tairui Color Steel Composite Plate Processing Factory. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.lxcaigang.com/xnews/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned




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